Get instant quotes, manage orders, and track shipments
How Factorem Works
End-to-end order fulfilment in clicks. No minimum quantity, maximum convenience.
Upload multiple CAD files
Drop in your 3D models, not restricted by 1 file and let our system organize it for you.
Design feedback
Our engineering team utilizes AI-assisted drawing extraction to review potential manufacturing defects and provide feedback to you.
AI matching
Our advanced algorithms identify the most suitable partner in the network based on capabilities, performance metrics, and customer expectations for optimal job fulfilment.
Order tracking and delivery
Track production status and delivery in real time with centralized document storage, and easily reorder with locked-in pricing in seconds.
Unlock the power of Southeast Asia’s best factories
Build a robust, resilient and flexible supply chain with on-demand available capacity and diverse capabilities at your fingertips.
Our exclusive network consists of vetted factory sources across Southeast Asia, ensuring top tier manufacturing excellence and agility. Factorem's network is closely evaluated with real-time data intelligence to maintain highest quality standards.
Market Key Offerings
Established regional trade agreements
Strategic geographic location
Established manufacturing infrastructure
Advanced R&D and innovation
Materials, processes & finishing
Parts delivered
Supply regions in Asia
Access, customize, and build—all in a single platform.